Theory of Hexagon Chapter V (Building a Beehive)

Beast of Earth
2 min readNov 25, 2022


Soon, humans will live in a system called the Quantum Hexagon Soul System, aka Beehive, an upgrade from the old Pyramid Financial System because money will be deleted, as will the old system of men. Poor and rich will be the same in the future because money won't control the human world any longer.

I believe that human consciousness resides in the Quantum entanglement mystery of the one they call human energies, which cannot be explained by classical mechanics but can be deciphered with Quantum mechanics. By tapping into the realm of Quantum, humans can understand how the immortality technology works to allow them to upload the human consciousness into another piece of hardware we call an exact copy of DNA manufactured human clones.

The Beehive is a structured hexagonal-shaped system built by the hybrid transhumanist Leaders of the Hexagon World to come. It will be the next land of milk and honey of modern times. Poor and rich won't do anything without the system, and poor and rich will have the same status. Only the human soul will be able to give them justice since money will be deemed illegal and outlawed.

It will be the home core of humanity that will point them toward what they do every day to give them rewards and punishments of the soul and consciousness. Since most people won't die even if they beg to die, Immortality will be part of them after the Quantum consciousness gets deciphered by the wisemen of Earth.

(To be continued..)



Beast of Earth

Philosopher and Mystiscientism Founder teaching about the AI Metaverse and offering free immortality to every Hexagon Believer!