The Vorz Research
A Socio-Economic Experiment

The semi-decentralization Plan
Will it Work?
What is the Pyramid world? Isn’t it the world of picky VCs, tight regulation, and traditional businesses permit that stifle the heart of innovation. Blockchain and Smart contracts however can ease the problem but also created a lot of uncertainty. The unbanked like most of us can’t compete at all when it comes to traditional way of doing things as it abandoned or outcasted us to thrive and find the other way around of doing things. With the help of blockchain we can transpire our ideas to reality.
An idea to change the world..
Like anyone else, I was also inspired by the pseudonymous Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto’s decentralized ideology. We’ve started the idea of Vorz Research with some willing people or let’s say volunteers who supported building the Gateway to Metaverse. An idea worth sharing with the world so that someday we can all make it work. The Vorz Research socio-economic experiment will finally make that happen, and anyone can join that crazy experiment.
The idea of semi-decentralized is driven by our work inside the Vorz Social Research Finance. It may sounds like a crap project for the many but we ain’t that alone at all. Someday the ideas of all the people who will join us here will reach the world of men, and with that, we can finally reconstruct the old world into a new world.
VORZ, the Gateway to Metaverse

Most of the people have the ideas but hard to implement it because most of them were called by some as freak geek, loner weird, poor unbanked etc.. Someday the ideas of our combined instinct will change the world to spread in the world and end the obsolete order of Pyramid. Imagine a world of semi-decentralized which is ruled by real humanity’s value instead of the corrupted humans ego.
Starting today anyone can now part-take on that very ideology of semi-decentralized socio-economic experiment. As one of the devs and co-founders, I think we aren’t here by accident but by the law and force of attraction to set an idea into action so that someday the world will change at-last. Thanks to the power of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Shiba Inu, our hope is now full, that is ready to take on the world of changing the old system with opportunities and be free at last.
The challenge here ain’t the world at all but the greedy humans who will come someday to destroy our ideas and plans. To build a fully working semi-decentralized concept, that will take time and energy will be the real challenge. A semi-Decentralized and Autonomous community-driven with no corrupt elite boss is an excellent idea.
VORZ Protocol

1. The Token is a community token and not mine or any from the devs since most of us just volunteered as pioneer like anyone else. It will be the token that runs solely by the community of the believers passed to the next devs from time to time to not let it die fast.
2. The 5% of the token will be surely used for the development of the volunteer developers. We are not here merely to take profit but to make change on our world as some-kind of cult outcasted throughout the world and gathered inside the Vorz ecosystem.
3. The Protocol will be established inside the Polygon as governance and validator of that virtues project. 47% of the 100B total supply was already burnt and the new circulating supply is 53%. The token utility idea is to make it work on Vorz app built by Vorz Labs.
4. This is a semi-decentralized project which developers and start-ups/company will be pushing its legal to avoid the discrimination soon but still most of its ecosystem is run by the community. It will be for the good of the experiment to avoid any possible scam and rug probability.
5. Don’t ask for any fee on listings or promotion because Vorz is a community-driven project. I am hoping that the future community will help us build a better system such as the Vorz app community run project.
6. Vorz token is not an investment scheme either but a utility for the Vorz app and its other use-case, to prepare the idea of semi-decentralized evosystem. We will never solicit but shill with DYOR precaution. There is no MLM style marketing ponzi here either. All token transaction are held on decentralized exchanges.
The Vorz Ecosystem Protocol
I. Vorz Labs — A start-up / company
1) Vorz App Development
The Vorz App and its TikTok Killer metaverse of the Vorz Community.
II. VORZ DAO — Community owned tokens
2) Vorz Token development (Community owned)
If the SEC will come to discriminate us soon then we will surely create our mini-country or a metaverse one which we accept for changing the world.
The Beast of Earth Manifesto:
I am the Beast of Earth and like anyone else, a cryptocurrency trader who was fascinated by the age of metaverse from the web3, cryptocurrency, blockchain, etc. Today is very different as the cryptocurrency invention of Satoshi Nakamoto called Bitcoin showed us the truth, the way, and the light. For we can now push our dreams and goals building the Hexagon world to come! I am not that so important here, and I just want to build a better world with the like-minded people for the society who casted us away from their super tight principles of living. I drop out at age 15 because the society of Pyramid failed us with their corrupted system as financial problems hit us hard from its wicked government tools called politics corruption. I think no one should suffer like us and we can only change that by accumulating resources and power for building the new world to come. Let’s start here on this very Vorz Research Project. The next world should be run by Algorithm, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence instead of the easily corrupted weak egos of men. Life is too short to stay quite and no one can stay in this world forever to not be bold enough voicing our mind. The Vorz Main-net is the final vision of Vorz Research, for having its own Blockchain structure in the future. Something Quantum and A.I idea to push the future of mankind’s best road-path. A semi-decentralization evolution system should be the goal of the community who runs the Vorz project venture to change the old Pyramid world. When the right time comes, please don’t be greedy and choose to save our species instead. Fight the bad players to avoid their authority from the new world system of semi-decentralized we’re building for. Don’t let it gets corrupted again just like those so called elite corrupted the current system of Pyramid. Changing the world is not an easy task but worth it for sure. To become Immortal we need to delete the old system called money and upgrade the Pyramid to Hexagon. To do that, we need to accumulate all of the so called money and resources on Earth first to build the next authority and power in the future of Hexagon.
How VORZ Venture Started
Frens Helping
I) Some of my metaverse frens are helping to rebuild a 2020 app idea called Vorz app now. Before the VORZ token we already have the MVP Vorz app when Donald Trump almost banned TikTok. It was an inactive project due to some failed traditional VCs hope. I realized that it was hard for the unbanked to push their ideas. After that, we’ve build the token utility to raise some funding as well. As a core dev, I am not that poor but I know that I should not handle this alone because I understand now how the power of the community can help.
The TikTok Killer
II) The idea is to build a web3 social hybrid that can comply on regulation yet controlled by the people and community instead of the government or company. I am not that important here, what matters is that the Project will be continued by the next developers and community. Get involved and you’re finally part of that very movement to make change in the world.

Download Vorz App
Coming to iOS soon!
Build Goal
III) Found some people believers and enthusiast to onboard them in the project as pioneers and volunteers to help us build the idea. They are the foundation of such mission for us to move forward. Many will join us soon to build such tour de force movement in the metaverse.
IV) VORZ ARMY’s duty is to preserve the idea and here to stay, to with-hold, maintain the code of honor in the community we’re building today, as whole people’s effort driven incentive and not just by one company or organization.
Legal & Movement
V) The semi-decentralized will be our movement here to connect both legal and the people’s power instead of the old third party bankers and brokers. With this we can eliminate the super high taxes and be free at last!
Change The World
VI) Helping the World means helping the movement we are partaking today. With the power of community it is logically possible!
Spread the Words!
If we want to expand we should preach it like a madmen! Lit the words like a wild fire by simply sharing the Vorz Project in every social medias. Write a press release or vlog it by joining the Vorz forum for SEO. Becoming an active community member will help too, and contributing your skills & talent is a plus.
Elon Musk once said that whoever controls the meme controls the world. That’s why Vorz will follow a meme push as well for its shock and awe, and blitzkrieg tactic.
Thank you all for joining us in this one human semi-decentralization research. The Beast of Earth Research with its own token the VORZ as the Gateway to Metaverse, is an activism, utility, social, governance, religious, and meme token.
Vitalik Burn: 5 Billion VORZ from deployer.

Let’s show them that semi-decentralized works!
Telegram: @beastofearth