The Theory of Hexagon
(A New World Hexagon Order)
People might be curious about the theory of Hexagon, so here is the wild theory I have been thinking.
I am Paul, the author of this short 21 chapter book. I will be working on writing a theory about the theory of Hexagon order that will probably replace the old pyramid world. The world is moving forward, but the people are still not adjusting at all. If we don’t act today, it will be the end of human civilization as we know it, as world leaders have tried to make war on each other because of their different dogmas and beliefs. Muslims and Christians are killing each other for their religion, while the Communists and the Capitalists are waging a silent war. The digital world will take over sooner than later. The idea of Hexagon is to bring humanity into a utopian world of the future. Peaceful and no crime is a hard problem to solve, but I think it is possible if we all unite in the idea of Hexagon someday. No one will be sick anymore, and no one will even die if we master the art of immortality, but first we need to delete all the money by hoarding it all. Someone must sacrifice to do that, and he should be the richest man alive to push such a crazy mission.. The crazy book will also tell you about the secret of the universe and the secret of heaven itself.
In my Hexagon theory, the Pyramid system should be upgraded to Hexagon or suffer from the consequences of human extinction from the fire of debug to come. Changing the system is a must but we need to fight the elite that controlled the Pyramid world first to make that happen.
X = -P^(H)
The formula of X is the answer to the solution and equal = itself, and is always adjascent to removing the old Pyramid elite power for the the Hexagon leaders to rise. To upgrade the system will always sacrifice the Pyramid system -P. By acting today and giving information to mankind it will be the ^ dominator chance that it will happen no matter what. The rise of Hexagon will be the New World Order called (H).
Let’s start with the first chapter..
Chapter I
Deleting Money Mission — From The Theory of Hexagon
People use money for almost everything except after they die. Immortality will be the reason why money should be deleted soon. But someone has to sacrifice his entire resources and time to accumulate all of the money on Earth before proceeding with the plan. Money also controlled the elite of today that got addicted to it, resulting in the control of power and greed to fulfill their desires. Money causes a lot of hysterical events like murder, robbery, and more. People will kill for money when they are hungry, after all. Understanding them will give us an idea of how to solve it someday. Do you know why there are poor people and rich people? because the Pyramid System wanted to balance the world with them. But that ain’t balanced at all. Balance should be about a system of equity, not equality.
Is money the root of all evil? Probably not.
Money is what makes people greedy, and some call it the root of all evil, but to me, it is not the root of evil but an obsolete system that humans are still using today.
What should to do next after deleting money?
Humans will surely become aware of the species survival mission, such as global warming or planetary expansion, instead of waging wars on this tiny blue dot forever, and even become immortal!
Chapter. II
Saving The World Idea — From The Theory of Hexagon
Changing the world is good idea but saving the world is better one. The human perceived a different dogma on their own culture and religion but someday a man will come to save not just the humans but the whole world. Communism and Capitalism divided the majority of humans will to think. Communism and Capitalism hating each other because it is different again. People making war because of their faith and belief is something to solve too. Isn’t that the problem of the world today? I think the humans needs a new idea to solve that very problem, something called Modern Testament as their new Bible and Science book of Testimony for building a new Hexagon world. Combining both modern logic and art of religion will probably work to fix the system of Pyramid. Saving the world will be the toughest mission of the Hexagon plotters for sure as it will require them to become so powerful and rich first to execute such master idea.
Do we really need Religion here?
Probably yes, because science without religion is pointless for the next generation to learn.
Do we really need to erase communism and capitalism in the future?
Nope, they’re just obsolete systems that can’t be added with the coming of the New World Order, but they will be added inside a digital metaverse machine as an archive and as a lesson to the future Hexagon people.
Chapter III
Immortality Goal — From The Theory of Hexagon
Chapter IV
More Important Than Money
Chapter V
Building a Beehive
Chapter VI
The Queen Bee
Chapter VII
Quantum Immortality
Chapter VIII
The Enemies of Hexagon
Chapter IX
Establishing Hexagon
Chapter X
New Hexagon World Order
Chapter XI
The Hanging Hexagon Wonder of Space
Chapter XII
The Leviathan Algorithm
Chapter XIII
Prepare for the Fire Debug
Chapter XIV
Expansion of Hexagon
Chapter XV
The Hexagon Space Civilization
Chapter XVI
Becoming a Local god
Chapter VII
The Secret of Secrets
Chapter XVIII
The Year is 3000+
Chapter XIX
Beast and Witness of Earth Story
Chapter XX
A Time Traveling alien god
Chapter XXI
Glad I told The Heaven’s Secret
(To be continued..)