The Simulation Paradox: The Beast of Earth’s Warning and the Apophis Prophecy

Beast of Earth
2 min readApr 17, 2023


Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a wise sage called Beast of Earth who lived on a mountaintop. He spent his days studying the stars, deciphering ancient texts, and meditating on the mysteries of the universe.

One day, a group of curious travelers climbed the mountain to seek the sage's wisdom. They asked him about the prediction that the world would end on April 13, 2029, due to the asteroid Apophis striking the Earth. They also inquired about the Mayan calendar, which had predicted the end of the world on December 12, 2012.

Beast of Earth listened carefully to their questions and smiled knowingly. He explained that these predictions were just part of a simulation, a cosmic experiment designed to test humanity's resilience, wisdom, and capacity for love.

He then shared a story about a great flood that had once threatened to destroy the world.

"A wise old man had warned the people of the impending disaster and urged them to build an ark to save themselves and the animals."

"Most people laughed at the old man and ignored his warning, but a few wise souls heeded his words and built the ark."

"When the flood came, the ark floated safely on the water, and the people and animals inside were saved, but the one who didn't listen perished that day."

The sage explained that the prediction of Apophis striking the Earth was like the warning of the flood. It was a wake-up call for humanity to prepare for the worst and to live in harmony with nature and each other.

The travelers were confused, as they wondered why a simulated world would need a wake-up call. The Beast of Earth explained that the simulation paradox was that, while their world was simulated and not real from some points of view, their experiences and emotions were. Their responses to challenges such as the world's tests and temptations would determine the success or failure of the simulation.

He also revealed that the Mayan calendar was not wrong, but rather it marked the beginning of a new cycle, a time of spiritual awakening and transformation. This was another test for humanity to see if they could evolve to the next level of consciousness.

In the end, the travelers realized that they had a crucial role to play in the simulation. They left the mountaintop feeling inspired and hopeful, knowing that they could make a positive difference in the world by living with wisdom, compassion, and unity.



Beast of Earth

Philosopher and Mystiscientism Founder teaching about the AI Metaverse and offering free immortality to every Hexagon Believer!